
Organic Facial Butter


Availability: 5 in stock

Roodt Organic facial butter is a rich hydrating tallow based facial cream.
Packed with beautiful Rosemary essential oil that:
Deeply hydrates skin
Aids in controlling sebum production.
Rosemary essential oil is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory that helps to battle acne.
It helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and can be used to lighten stretch marks (MULTI-USE).
It soothes skin irritation caused by dermatitis and eczema.
It doubles as an astringent to soothe skin.
It maintains the balance of the skin and prevents breakouts.
It stimulates the skin and gives a radiant glow.
It’s known to tighten skin and makes skin appear more firm.
It revives dull skin and gives it a refreshed feel.
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