T-shirt Yarn Baskets


  • Small round basket: 15cm diameter.
  • Medium round basket: 20cm diameter.
  • Medium square basket: 20cm x 20cm
  • Large rectangle basket: 20 x 30cm

Add wood wool to use the basket as a hamper for a gift :).

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Locally made t-shirt yarn baskets with a solid base.

T-shirt yarn is made from off cuts/waste from the fashion industry.

Instead of going to a landfill, it has been crocheted into a beautiful basket.

Made by a local lady to support her family.


Small Navy Basket (Round), Medium Navy Basket (Round), Small Green Basket (Round), Medium Green Basket (Round), Medium Navy Basket (Square), Medium Pink Basket (Square), Medium Green Basket (Square), Large Off-white Basket (Rectangle), Large Navy and Grey Basket (Rectangle), Wood Wool Small Basket, Wood Wool Medium Basket, Wood Wool Large Basket

Shopping Basket